Warning Signs Your Cool Room Needs Repair

Posted on: 11 November 2021


If you run a large eatery or restaurant, you understand the significance of a properly functioning cool room. Cool rooms will keep your perishable stock from going bad and causing significant losses. Typically, properly designed and installed cool rooms will last for years. However, this requires proper and regular maintenance. As part of keeping your cool rooms functioning correctly, it's essential to understand when your cool room needs repairs. This entails knowing when your cool room develops faulty issues. Fortunately, your cool room will often display some warning signs whenever something is problematic. With that in mind, here are some of the indicators you should watch out for.


Condensation is one of the most common signs of a faulty cool room. Therefore, if you notice water droplets inside your cool room or your products appear sweaty with water over them, chances are you have a fault somewhere. Typically, condensation is a result of moist air finding its way inside the cool room. It could be due to an air leak in your cool room, a defrost function that has been set for too long or a faulty termination function. In addition, damaged or worn sealing around your cool room door could be the reason behind the condensation. Also worth noting is that you may not always see water droplets or sweaty items, so you can look out for other signs like mould or mildew that also indicate moisture problems.

Frost/Ice Build-Up

Ice build-up is another tell-tale sign of a problematic cool room. Generally, ice or frost build-up can originate from many issues. For instance, poor airflow, humidity levels, faulty fans, dirty evaporator coils, overloading and temperature issues are some of the common reasons behind a cool room that's icing up. When it comes to temperature issues, faulty electrical components, worn seals, worn or dirty compressor coils, faulty thermostat sensors or incorrect temperature settings are some of the issues you should consider investigating.


Stale and other odd smells are also other signs to watch out for. Usually, stale or unpleasant smells are caused by a leaking refrigerant. However, it's not unusual to notice food-related odours too. That's usually because faulty cool rooms may make all your food go bad. Fortunately, you can distinguish refrigerant odours from food odours. Therefore, have the cool room inspected for refrigerant leaks and have it fixed early enough.

Food Spoilage

Properly sealed and stored perishables typically have a long shelf life. Therefore, be alarmed if you notice your stock going stale quicker than it should. From warm spots to temperature inconsistencies and airflow problems, many issues can cause your food to spoil before its use date. Therefore, have your cool room inspected to determine the specific faulty issue.

For more information, contact a cool room repair service.