The Best Ways to Keep Your Storage in Good Condition

Posted on: 26 March 2020


Whether you made your storage shed or hired an expert to make it for you, maintaining it is important. The storage shed is a costly investment. Maintenance of the shed will ensure it serves you for an extended period. Different sheds are made using various materials. Thus, maintenance procedures could slightly differ. There are, however, specific maintenance processes that could be done for every shed. Here are the shed storage maintenance strategies to follow. 

Keep It Dry

You should always protect your storage shed from excessive moisture. If the structure has a wooden floor, avoid exposing it to moisture. It is okay to occasionally place a wet tool on it. However, continued exposure to moisture could damage the floor. Also, the weather in Australia can sometimes get to the extremities. There could be sudden rain or snow. Thus, always check for any signs of cracks on your shed. Once you notice cracks, you can use waterproof paint to cover it. Also, add a rain protector to prevent water from coming in through the door. Any cracks on your roof should be covered using an insulating material.

Paint the Storage Shed

As soon as the setting up process is complete, ensure you paint the shed. Avoid leaving it unpainted for more than 60 days. Use a primer on the outside before the paint. That will prevent your structure from decaying. The primer is also helpful in keeping away termites. Painting the floor is also essential especially when storing machines that leak. If you keep tools like lawnmowers, they are likely to drip some fuel on the floors.  When selecting the colour to use on the floors, opt for one that will complement the storage shed. 

Keep It Ventilated

Proper ventilation of your storage shed is critical. The structure should have runners placed underneath it. That will promote the circulation of air. You need to continually check the runners to ensure they are efficient. If they are not in the best condition, ensure you replace them. Take your time to clear off any grass that could be preventing proper air circulation. Moreover, stacking items on the walls or outside the shed could block ventilation. Without adequate ventilation, your storage shed will likely accumulate moisture and rot. 


Following the guidelines given ensures your storage shed serves you for an extended period. Proper maintenance is not helpful if the structure is not installed correctly. That is why you should be careful when setting up your storage shed. If you hire someone to put it up, make sure they have the proper skills for the job.